Social Icons

17 March 2011

ICE Frozen (PhotoShop Effect)

ICE Frozen
  • Create a new 800x400 RGB file with white background and create a title using black text. Center it on the page.
  • Duplicate the layer, change the color to: #afc4d2 and rasterize the text. 

15 March 2011

Lightwave Digital (PhotoShop Effects)

Lightwave Digital

In this advanced photoshop cs tutorial we will create a light burst coming from front and behind photoshop rendered distorted text. To make this effect we will use Photoshop layers, image blurs, rotate canvas, blending modes and effects with some common photoshop filters.

Lightwave Photoshop Text Effect
  • Create a new 800x400 RGB file with black background and use white text. 
  • Use a font of your choice and type in your desired text - we will use lightwave in this example. Make sure the color is white and centered on the page.
  • Make sure it fills about 65%-75% of the screen
  • We will now warp the text. Select the text tool and on your text tool menu select the warp icon.

  • Set the style to Arc with Blend to 0, Horizontal Distortion to 0, and Vertical Distortion to 12. 
  • Create a duplicate of your text layer and rasterize it. 
  • Select your text layer and go to Filter > Stylize > Wind and use these settings
  • Do this twice. 
  • Now go to Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 degree CW, and apply the Wind Filter again (or hit CTRL F). Rotate and repeat until the text is again in its normal position. It will now look like this:
  • Duplicate the frosted layer you just made (not the text) and go to Image > Blur > Radial Blur with a Zoom level of 100 and Quality at Best. 
  • Now select your text layer and duplicate it. Then go to Image > Blur > Radial Blur with a Zoom level of 100 and Quality at Best. 
  • Go to your initial text layer, resize it about to 80% of its original size and drop the opacity to 60%. Your image should look something like this.

  • Take the text layer and add a Pillow Emboss on it with these settings.

  • Add some color if you wish. You can do this by locking the transparency and filing in the layered elements. I used yellow in this sample. 

Saving Rachel (A Donovan Creed Crime Novel)

13 March 2011

Embossed Material (Photoshop Effect)


  • Create a new 800x400 RGB file with white background and create a title using black text.

  • Rasterize the layer and then load it selection. Do this by selecting the layer then go to Select > Load Selection and select the Rasterized layer.
  • You will now apply a radial gradiant on this layer. Color 1: #bf8c54 Color 2: 594823

  • Filter > Pixalize > Crystalize at 90
  • Filter > Texture > Texterizer - Use the Texterizer pattern with values 100 and 4.
  • Load the Selection again and go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects and use Spotlight.

  • Use a Inner Bevel effect on the layer with the following options.

  • Load the Selection again, go to Select > Modify > Border and use value of 16.
  • Then go to Edit > Stroke and use value of 2.

  • Now go to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen More. Do this a total of three times.
  • Apply a drop shadow to the stroke with the following values.

  • Go to your background layer and apply a Radial Gradiant. Color 1: #354b9a Color 2: #111f52 and duplicate this background as you will be working on the duplicated layer from this point forward.
  • Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise
  • Filter > Pixalize > Crystalize at 10
  • Filter > Texture > Texterizer - Use the Craqelure pattern. Change the layer Blending to Luminosity and change the opacity to 60%
  • Filter > Renger > Lighting Effects and use the style Crossing.
  • Now go to the layer with the text and Brightness +10 contrast +30
  • Apply an outer glow with default settings. 



Oleh: Pastor Prof. Dr. Yong Ohoitimur, MSC.

LOKAKARYA 11 Maret 2011

Mengapa nilai-nilai “Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Nilai-Nilai” itu penting di sekolah-sekolah Katolik?
  • Perubahan Zaman. Perubahan zaman serta kecanggihan teknologi ini membuat perilaku anak-anakpun berubah serta moral peserta didik rendah. Perubahan-perubahan zaman juga mengubah cara pandang dan cara hidup: serba praktis, serba cepat, memenuhi keinginan, kebebasan, demokratis--> yang penting tujuan tercapaiContoh yang lain; anak-anak jaman dulu beda dengan anak-anak jaman sekarang. Anak jaman dahulu sangat menghormati orang tua, sedangkan anak jaman sekarang sudah berkurang rasa hormat terhadap orang tua. Contoh yang lainnya, anak jaman sekarang suka nyontek saat ulangan atau ujian. Inilah fakta yang kita hadapi disekolah-sekolah kita. Ini merupakan suatu persoalan sangat serius yang harus kita cari solusinya bersama-sama. Pengaruh global juga kena imbasnya pada masyarakat Indonesia. Pendidikan bukan hanya membentuk aspek kognitif tetapi harus didasarkan juga pada pembentukan watak dan moral anak bangsa.