Social Icons

03 June 2011



Q: What has 5 eyes and is lying on the water?
A: The Mississipi River

Q: Where do the pianists go for vacation?
A: Florida Keys

Q: What is the smartest state?
A: "Alabama, it has four A's and one B."

Q: "What stays in the corner, but travels around the world?"
A: A stamp!

Q: Where to pencils come from?
A: Pennsylvania!


Born This Way (Special Edition)

01 June 2011

Watch TV TV channels online on your PC

Watch TV - Live IP TVWatch
4000 Live television stations from your notebook.
Not required of a TV tuner or decoder. 100% legal - no subscription needed.
Watch TV channels online anywhere. All you need is
our Internet television software,
your computer, and online connection.
Whether you connected from work to watch CNN, BBC or another news streaming station's online stream of a campaign
event or you watched it on some other device such as your cellular phone or iPOD, you were able to stay on top of current news
with the help of Live IP television and online broadcasts.
Live television news is used primarily for major stories and local events. The foreign bureaus have been
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Internet TV news is not a money making product for television and is not expected to
improve any time soon. Cash trumps news, especially in todays competitive and down market due to the economy.
I love our IP television software because it
gives users the options of various channels to view.
You can choose music or sport stations that may want to view.
I was always watching Friends on repeat!

Miracle in Egypt

Here's something that will make you feel good
Subject: Recent miracle in Egypt ! Broadcasted in CBS...

A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with their infant baby and an 8-year old daughter.
The girls were buried alive! He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids.
15 days later, another family member died.
When they went to bury him, they found the 2 little girls under the sand - ALIVE! 

31 May 2011


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